Reports, legal documents, studies, scientific papers, publications and presentations from annual events, lectures of DAGENE, members and partners.
Dr. András Gáspárdy wrote a book chapter entitled: Reality of Mitogenome Investigation in Preservation of Native Domestic Sheep Breeds. Please read and use it!
Just recently we have received a New Atlas on Domestic Animals of Romania. The 186 pages with full of colour pictures, and excellent descriptive work in its category. Authors who prepared the Atlas in a family harmony are CS.Dr. Ing. Matiuti Marcel and Ing. Chemist Prof. Gr. Matiuti Carmen-Luminita, both of them are representing the Transylvanian Rare Breed Association. The Atlas has been edited by Tempus Publishing in Timisoara, Romania, and published by the authors themselves.
The Atlas covers:
34 breeds of cattle and buffaloes (+115 pictures)
27 breeds of horses and donkeys (+100 pictures)
24 breeds of sheep and goats (+75 pictures)
13 breeds of pigs (+36 pictures)
The Atlas contains a lot of breed data, 4 tables and a rich reference list.
(Prof. Dr. Pal Hajas, former FAO Snr.Officer, Hon. President of Dagene Association)
Proceedings of 30th Annual Meeting of DAGENE Danubian Animal Genetic Resources
- Proceedings of 29th Annual Meeting of DAGENE Danubian Animal Genetic Resources Volume 3 (2018)
- DAGENE General Assembly 2018
- Program for Joint Annual Meetingof DAGENE and SAVE Foundation
- The role of ecosystem service in conservation of autochthonous sheep breeds exposed to tick infections in Serbia by Zsolt BECSKEI
- New Slovak animal breeds by Peter CHRENEK, Margetin M., Bulla J., Kubovicova E., Rafay J., Makarevich
- Researches regarding corporal development Grey Steppe breed calves, as viable perspective for orientation of those breed to meat production by Dan-Lucian DASCALU
- Innovations and ethical issues for the cryoconservation of animal genetic resources
- Influence of various approaches in the use of dry pastures on conservation of biodiversity by Ante IVANKOVIC, Šubara Gordan, Ida Štoka
- Verarbeitung der Abstammungsdaten des vollen Zuchtbuchesbei gefährdeten Schafrasse Cikta by KOVÁCS Endre, Posta János, Károly Tempfli, László Sáfár, Zsolt Becskei, Papp Bali, Gáspárdy Ágnes, Gáspárdy András
- Short view on results of Linking Nature protection with sustainable rural development in Bulgaria September 2012 – September 2017 by Markus LÜTHI
- A possible variant of preserving in vivo the local pigs breeds in Romania by Marcel MATIUTI, C. L. Matiuti, I. Hutu
- Combined Meeting of the Project Commission (PC) and Council of Cooperation Partners (CCP)
- Fattening of lambs of different breeds on extensively grazed grassland – first results of possibilities and limitations by Leopold PODSTATZKY
- Pedigree analysis of the Hungarian Gidran Horse breeding population by POSTA János
- Genetic diversity determined by Microsatellites and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers: case study of two native cattle breeds by Jelena RAMLJAK, Ivanković A., Držaić V., Pećina M., Špehar M., Konjačić M.
- Invitation to Annual Meeting at Hilgertshausen
- Proceedings of 27th Annual Meeting of DAGENE Danubian Animal Genetic Resources Volume 1 (2016)
- Second Call for Papers 2016
- Guidelines for the manuscript of DAGENE Proceedings 2016
- Assessment of some health status traits of endangered Balkan goat in order to improve in situ conservation program by Becskei Zsolt
- Backup not only for computers by Beate Berger
- Actual Animal Genetic Resources in Slovakia by Peter Chrenek
- Monogenetic disorders and their implications for conservation breeding programs – a practical example from the Noriker horse breed by T. Druml und G. Brem, Institut für Tierzucht und Genetik
- Characterization of Original Braunvieh in Bavarian Allgäu based on body measurements by Georg-Ulrich Heller, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsches Braunvieh Allgäuer Herdebuchgesellschaft Abteilung Kempten
- Autochthonous cattle breeds in Croatia/Trends and challenges by Ante Ivankovic, Department of Animal Science and Technology Faculty of Agriculture of Croatia
- Incidence and predisposition of the hip dysplasia in Hungarian shepherd dogs by Kiss-Pető Tibor, Szent István University Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Department for Animal Breeding and Genetics
- Ursprung und Entwicklung des autochthonen Cikta Schafes bis zum Gegenwart in Ungarn by Kovács Endre, Szent István Universität, Fakultät für Veterinärmedizin
- The practice of "ex situ" gene preservation at the Faculty of Veterinary Science, Budapest by Seregi János, Szent István University Faculty of Veterinary Sciences
- Type traits of Istrian Pramenka in Slovenia compared to Istrian Sheep in Croatia by Mojca Simčič University of Ljubljana Biotechnical Faculty Department of Animal Science
- Analysis of inbreeding and average relationship of the present Hungarian Hucul Horse population by Somogyvári Enikő
- The technique and findings of ultrasonographic assessment of fetal well-being in Lipizzaner mares in Hungarian stud farm (2013-2015) by Dr. Vincze Boglárka and Dr. Szenci Ottó, Szent István University Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Dept. Animal Breeding, Nutrion and Laboratory Animal Science
- Agenda Annual Meeting 2013, Timisoara
- Study and research in cinegetic biodiversity with specific indicators to Maramures County by Ipate Iudith, Center of Study and Research for Agro biodiversity
- Reassessment of local pig breed Bazna by Alexandru Nagy, Agricultural Research and Development Station in Turda
- Bio-economics development and eco-economics conservation of Zootechnical biodiversity through eco-innovative reproductive biotechnologies by George Florea Toba
- Conformation data for repatriation of Carpathian Brown Cattle in Hungary (ppt) by SZIU, UniDeb, Banat University
- Conformation data for repatriation of Carpathian Brown Cattle in Hungary by (pdf) SZIU, UniDeb, Banat University
- Invitation to the joint anniversary 30 years ÖNGENE – 25 years DAGENE - Agraria Welser Messe 2012
- List of Anniversary participants
- Analysis of conformation traits in cika cows in Slovenia by Mojca Simcic, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Animal Science
- The present of the biodiversity in Hungary through the eyes of teachers of Ecology, of Animal Husbandry and of Nutrition by János Seregi, Kaposvári University, Health Centre
- DAGENE Meeting - Date and programs
- Epididymal semen cryopreservation from mangalica boars by Egerszegi I., Research Institute for Animal Breeding and Nutrition
- In situ conservation in CEE countries during the last 20 years by Hans-Peter Grünenfelder, SAVE Foundation
- Report of in situ conservation status of farm animal genetic resources in the Republic of Croatia by Ante Ivankovic
- Genetic Aspects of in-Situ Conservation by univ.Prof. Dr. Johann Sölkner, Department für Nachhaltige Agrarsysteme, Universitat fur Bodenkultur Wien
- Legend of the four horned Racka or whether in the sight of what Eugene of SAVOY delight? by András Gárspárdy, Szent István University, Faculty of Veterinary Science
- In Situ conservation in Slovenia by D. Bojkovski and D. Kompan, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Animal Science
- In situ conservation - the Swiss model by Catherine Marguerat, Federal Office for Agriculture in Switzerland
- The Pustertaler Sprinzen Cattle by Christian Moser, Rinderzucht Tirolithin a changing environment by Elli Broxham, SAVE Foundation
- Annual Meeting of SAVE Foundation and the European SAVE Network 22-25 September 2011 Agenda
- Elli Broxham Agrobiodiversity conservation in a changing environment by Elli Broxham, SAVE Foundation
- From an endagered breed of Waterbuffalo by Michel Jacobi, SATrans
- Education about preservation and adaptaion by Pauline Wolters, City Farms
- Variability of cytogenetic and molecular-genetic descriptions of cattle by Svitlana Kostenko by National University of Life and Environmental Sciences
- The Kempen heathsheep by Stijn Hilgers, SZH
- Conservation of two native Bulgarian goat breeds by Atila Sedefchev, Semperviva
- Rare Breeds Centre in Vlahi by Sider Sedefchev, Semperviva
- Ecotypes - breed variants adapted to different environments, in example of Tsigai haemoglobin genotypes by András Gáspárdy Szent István University, Faculty of Veterinary Science
- The HERITASTE® quality label by Elli Broxham, SAVE Foundation
- Conservation des races bovines françaises : situation des races a tres petits effectifs by Laurent AVON, Institut de l’Élevage, Département Génétique
- Preliminary data on beta-lactoglobulin genetic polymorphisms in Hungarian Awassi and Racka sheep by Mária Baranyi Állatgenetika Intézet Gödöllő
- DAGENE Short history and activity by Imre Bodó
- Romanian high nature value farming areas and conservation of farm animals and natural biodiversity by C. Drăgănescu
- Those Racka horns by András Gáspárdy, University, Faculty of Veterinary Science
- What is SAVE Foundation by Hans-Peter Grunenfelder, SAVE Foundation
- Effects of some oleaginous ecologic ingredients on pig meat quality by Mihaela Habeanu National Research-Development Institute for Biology and Animal Nutrition
- Research regarding the biodiversity indicators in genetic diversity of the region - Country HATEG by Iudith IPATE, Center of Study and Research for Agro biodiversity
- Legislative and institutional framework for the protection of native (autochthonous) breeds in Republic of Croatia by Jasna Jeremic, State Institute for Nature Protection
- Improved viability and acrosome staining to frozen-thawed semen samples - technical note by András Kovács, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management, Institute of Animal Science
- Supports for Endangered Livestock Breeds (introduction to ERFP project) by Metka Žan Lotrič, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Animal Science
- Animal Biodiversity Basis for Sustainable Agriculture by Dr. Stefan Mantea, National Agency for Agricultural Consultancy
- Native Sheep breeds from Banat by Marcel Matiuti1, Carmen-Luminita Matiuti, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
- Some aspects of farm animal biodiversity formation on Romania’s actual territory by M.Th. Paraschivescu, CSCBA-Romanian Academy
- The domestic animal of the climate change: Buffalo by J. Seregi, DAGENE
- Rearing technology of autochthonous Cika cattle on the farms in Slovenia by Mojca Simčič, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Animal Science
- Mangalitsa breed characterization for in vitro germoplasm preservation program by Marius Zăhan, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Animal Sciences and Biotechnology
- Possibilities and Plans for a National Cryo Reserve by B. Berger and F. Fischerleitner, Institute of Organic Farming and Biodiversity of Farm Animals
- Autochtonius breeds of Bosnia and Herzegovina by M.Brka, Faculty for agriculture and food science University of Sarajevo Animal sciences department
- Gene reserves characteristics and risk populations identification in Slovak horses by Buleca Jr., University of Veterinary Medicine
- Characteristics of energetic metabolism parameters in Mangalica pig breed by by Buleca Jr., University of Veterinary Medicine
- National programme for the conservation of traditional breeds by Dražen Cerjanec and Mirna Dadić, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development
- Biological characteristics of Turoploje pig breed as factors in renewing and preservation of population by Marija Đikić, Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb, Department of Animal Science
- The Austrian Programme andSubsidiesfor the Conservation of Acknowledged, Endangered Breeds by F. Fischerleitner, Institute of Organic Farming and Farm Animal BiodiversityAdditional data to the horse size in the Mezőhegyes-stud with special regard to the Nonius breed by András Gáspárdy Iván, Szent István University, Fac. Vet. Sci.
- Best practice examples of the conservation of traditional breeds in protected areas in Croatia with legislation overview by Jasna Jeremic, State Institute for Nature Protection
- Current status and trends in Croatian autochthonous cattle breed populations by Kelava Nikolina, Department of Animal Science and Technology Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
- Beginning of standardization phenotype and genotype autochthonous breed Busha in Croatia by Miljenko Konjačić
- Perspective for autochtonous breeds conservation programs as a part of horse breeding reorganization in Republic of Croatia by Nidal Korabi and Mato Čačić, HCK
- Donkey breeding in Republic of Croatia by Nidal Korabi and Mato Čačić, HCK
- Organic sheep farming - a conservation method yet to be implemented by Lada Radin, DAGENE
- Lamb meat production capacities of Croatian autochthonous sheep breeds by Ivan Vnučec
- Product protection of indignenous breeds in Hungary (Dr. Radnóczi László)
- Conservation of AnGR in Hungary (Dr. Radnóczi László)
- Use of Farm Animal Genetic Resources in Serbia in Rural Tourism (M.Sc. Srdjan Stojanovic)
- Use of rare plants and breeds for genuine food in rural tourism: The European scenario (Dr. Pal Hajas)
- Use of rare breeds in the Hortobágy National Park (Kocsis A.)
- Marketing Products from Austrian Rare Breeds (Berger B., Fischerleitner F.)
- Rural gastronomic offers in function preservations of rare breeds (Ivanković, A., Grgić, Z., Janječić, Z., Luković, Z., Caput, P.)
- The Austrian Programme for the Conservation of Endangered Breeds (F.Fischerleitner, ÖNGENE)
- Saving The Murinsulaner Horse Breed, ERFP Project (Bodo I.)
- Preservation and use of farm animal genetic resources in Croatia (Caput P., Ivanković A.)
- ELBARN and Marketing Strategies for Rare Breeds (Hans-Peter Grunenfelder)
- Lectures - FAO / DAGENE / EAAP Workshop in Bled – Slovenia 2004.
- Mutton production with historical Hungarian sheep breeds by Laszlo Nagy
- Molecular approach to preservation of animal genetic resources - University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Animal Science
- Milk protein polymorphism and genetic characterization of cattle population in Slovakia by Research Institute for Animal Production
- Application of DNA-markers to distinguish Tsigai sheep variants by András GÁSPÁRDY